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Earthquake Insurance

April 19, 2024

Do I Need Earthquake Insurance? 

Earthquakes can wreak havoc on homes and communities in a matter of seconds. The devastation they leave behind can be not only emotionally and physically taxing but also financially burdensome. The question often arises in regions prone to seismic activity—do I need earthquake insurance? Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Earthquakes? Many homeowners mistakenly assume that their […]
November 18, 2021

5 Important Facts about Earthquake Insurance

What do you know about earthquake insurance? If you are like many people, you may think you don’t need it. You may not realize the value of purchasing a policy like this, especially if you live in an area that’s prone to earthquakes. Take a look at five important facts you should know about earthquake […]
January 27, 2021

How to Prepare for an Earthquake

Earthquakes are often unpredictable, which is why it is crucial for homeowners living in high risk areas should have a plan in preparation in case one does occur. Planning ahead can help save your family fear, injuries and money, so here are a few ways you can prepare for a potential disaster.  Secure Potential Dangers […]
May 21, 2020

4 Reasons You Need Earthquake Insurance

Many people don’t realize that a basic home insurance policy doesn’t cover damage done by earthquakes. Earthquakes must be covered under a separate policy. But is it worth it? And how do you know if you need earthquake insurance in the first place?   If you live in an area where earthquakes are little to […]

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